“If it turns out that this is incurable, would you marry me?”https://www.reddit.com/r/ncaalivetream/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ncaalivetream/comments/jpssxv/officiallivestream_2020arkansas_state_vs/…Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
His heart rate slowed. And atPM on Thursday the 28th, with the gifts“If it turns out that this is incurable, would you marry me?” is not your traditional marriage proposal, but then again, Andy and I…Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
I was both the first and last to convey this message to him. I leaned in both times and said“If it turns out that this is incurable, would you marry me?” is not your traditional marriage proposal, but then again, Andy and I…Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020